Wednesday, October 1, 2014

You're not alone.

Endometriosis is an invisible chronic disease. It takes over your body without you even knowing. When it gets so bad and the pain is far to much, that whatever you do, you just can’t function.The pain can be completely debilitating. I’m a human being, a woman trying to fight in this ultimate battle. Just getting out of bed in the morning is a hassle. Doctors say that I have a very “complex” case. A puzzle that just cant be solved. Why leave people suffering in pain and discomfort and not listening to them, not believing their pain? I only have no much hope and strength left in me. Feeling so vulnerable, so alone.. Where people don’t believe you, they’ve done all they can do… and its a wonder when depression hits? “Friends” say they just don’t understand.. I blow off plans, after plans.. social life is almost nonexistent.. You say that it can’t be that bad, pfft. 

I decided to start a new blog, start fresh. I thought maybe, just maybe getting my story out there might help. Not just myself, but maybe some woman out there who is newly diagnosed can know she is not alone.

Endometrisois is silent, but my voice isn't.

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